The COVID-19 pandemic has also exerted its impact on the IT market. Not only have the employment conditions and salary caps changed, so have the incentives motivating experts to work. We have decided to take under close scrutiny Cracow, which is at the forefront of outsourcing solutions, especially in the IT industry.

We are sharing with you Devire report, which shows the real nature of Cracow’s IT labor market during the crisis and highlights the trends, enriched by a thorough analysis of experts.
The publication shows, among other things, that people working on a B2B contract appreciate the advantages of this form of cooperation and as few as 5% of them would choose an employment contract if they changed employer.
Only 19% of the respondents in Cracow are actively trying to land a new job, and over half of the respondents declare that as a result of the pandemic their salary rises and promotions have been suspended.
These are some of the main conclusions of the report, which – as we hope – will provide some valuable guidance and inspiration for both job seekers and employers.