The benefits of outsourcing IT experts via an agency are numerous. Cooperation with an outsourcing agency means having access to more talents, coupled with cost optimization and improvement of team work efficiency. However, there are downsides that you should be aware of.

Working with outsourcing companies with no experience
In recent years, outsourcing has become a popular solution for companies. More and more new outsourcing agencies are entering the market. However, the risks related to cooperation with newly established outsourcing agencies are quite high. More often than not, their undercutting-of-the-competition approach comes with an inability to deliver high-quality services.
Another risk related to cooperation with inexperienced outsourcing companies is their lack of an understanding of needs and requirements. Inexperienced agencies may be less flexible in negotiating terms with clients, because their first stage of cooperation was based on an unrealistic offer. Moreover, new agencies in many cases do not have access to the same resources and tools as companies who have several years of experience under their belt. One such resource would be candidate databases built up over years.
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Always check the references and opinions about the agency with which you want to enter into cooperation. In addition, verifying the contract template, scope of work and schedule will certainly help when it comes to making an informed decision as to whether a given outsourcing agency really fits the bill.
The hidden costs of outsourcing IT experts
Another risk related to the outsourcing option are the hidden costs; those that are not listed in the quote and therefore difficult to estimate when weighing up cooperation. In order to avoid such a situation, it is worthwhile at the planning stage to precisely define all financial obligations that are related to this solution, even those obligations that are seemingly small. Before signing any contract with an outsourcing agency, the client should make sure that all terms, conditions and stipulations are clear and comprehensible. Additionally, terms and conditions should be written down on paper and signed by both parties. This will help to avoid future misunderstandings and disputes.
Do you want to learn more about the benefits of IT Contracting? Check out the following publications:
Disclosure of sensitive data
Another risk that clients interested in outsourcing IT workers fear is the disclosure of confidential data. Customers can prevent the disclosure of confidential data in a number of ways. The most important thing is to establish cooperation with a recommended outsourcing agency that has appropriate policies and procedures. It is also important to check confidentiality clauses and other documents that can be signed in order to prevent this situation from occurring. If the disclosure of sensitive data may still seem problematic, you can always choose to work with a company that has experience in handling such projects.

About the author
Karolina Rostkowska – Devire Account Manager IT Outsourcing, is responsible for the sale of IT services in the outsourcing model. She has over 4 years of experience in the field of IT solutions sales and recruitment.
“Outsourcing IT experts – the pitfalls” is another article in our series “IT Contracting – a modern form of cooperation”. Find out more about the opportunities offered by IT Contracting.